Computational physics Lecture: 1 introduction

Computational physics
Lecture: 1 introduction

Purpose of Course
The purpose of this course is demonstrate to students how computers can enable us to both broaden and deepen our understanding of physics by vastly increasing the range of mathematical calculations which we can conveniently perform.

Computational physics diagram

 Introduction and Background
Suppose you take an introductory calculus-based physics course; you will have learned all about Newton’s laws of motion and solved many problems with an analytical approach. However, one problem you will not have solved is a simple problem of throwing a ball while including air resistance. One of the reasons you didn’t solve this problem is that it’s impossible to solve analytically, since air resistance is a nonlinear force 1. However, adding air resistance which is proportional to the square of the particle’s velocity, while impossible to solve analytically, is not so complicated to solve computationally. So, one of the great uses of computation is to be able to solve problems via computer that are difficult or impossible to solve with pen and paper. Such problems can range from solving non-linear differential equations, to systems which involve random processes (for instance, diffusion, or disease propagation), and even the everyday work of processing and visualizing data.

1 Actually, it’s even worse—air resistance is not really a simple function of velocity at all; for low velocities, one can approximate the air resistance as linear, and but as the speed increases, it’s not even correct to treat it as a simple function of the velocity to a fixed power

On the other hand, physics has been divided into two categories: theoretical and experimental physics. However, over the past few years computational physics has emerged as a third discipline which can perhaps be placed between these two. This field of investigation consists of the study of physical systems with the help of computer power.
The reasons for the increasing relevance of computational physics are manifold. In theoretical physics, many problems exist that cannot be solved analytically with pencil and paper. One can turn to analytical approximation methods but these have often limits regarding their applicability or accuracy. When the underlying physical system is very complex, many times analytical methods are either too time consuming or simply unattainable. Moreover, one might be dealing with stochastic processes where conclusions about the system can only be drawn from simulating it many times over. This is where computers can make a big difference in allowing for the computation of system dynamics or characteristics.
In experimental physics, computers can help in interpreting complex data sets, guide experiments and experimental set ups, and even facilitate virtual experiments by use of modelling and simulation. The latter can replace expensive experiments, for example, or provide insights into the dynamics in certain locations within a physical system which are not accessible by measurement techniques.
Since computers represent numbers by a finite set of zeros and ones, the precision of calculations has its own limits. Therefore, studying and assessing errors that computational predictions inherently contain is a major field in its own right.
The bottom line is that every student is well advised to familiarize themselves with computational physics. Throughout the career of a future scientist, there will be no escaping from the use of it.

There are many types of computer software programs used in computational physics, such as:
Homework (give some examples)

Examples of daily life problems that solved by computational physics:
·         Weather models, expecting future weather.
·         Homework (give some examples)

Introduction to functions
A function is a rule which operates on one number to give another number. However, not every rule describes a valid function. This unit explains how to see whether a given rule describes a valid function, and introduces some of the mathematical terms associated with functions. Read more

Homework (State at least three functions and its physical meaning)


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